editor: Paul Hawkins
editor: Sarer Scotthorne
art & design: Bob Modem


Poem Brut & other projects

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est. circa 2012
an unfunded small press
based in Bristol

we take writing for granted

Both Sarer & I have been involved with the Steve Fowler curated Poem Brut project over the past 6 years or so; as performers, publishers, curators, artists and supporters. I also teach Poem Brut as a series of 6 workshops for learners at Second Step Bristol’s Wellbeing College, which will culminate in an exhibition to celebrate new creative works in November, 2020. You can see some of the remarkable work made here. It’s a thoughtful and energetic project which has involved over 100 artists / poets / performers and has personally given me new impetus, focus, and awareness of the latent possibilities within artistic creative writing as well asperformance. I’ve had the good fortune to have met and worked alongside some wonderful people, and published some of their work.

Poem Brut update: Steve Fowler on  Phase 3 of Poem Brut. Take a look here

Phase 4 updates and events can be viewed here

July 3 - 31, 2022: Poem Brut: Poetry Without Words exhibition at Boston Tea Party Cafe, Stokes Croft, Bristol daily between 8 - 5- all work made by participants of #PoemBrut workshops for Second Step Bristol Recovery College, workshops run by Ali McAllister & Paul Hawkins

What is Poem Brut?

Poem Brut celebrates artistic creative writing - embracing text and colour, space and time, handwriting, composition, abstraction, illustration, sound, mess and motion - affirming the possibilities of the page, the voice and the pen in a computer age. Through over a dozen live events, nearly 100 commissions, exhibitions at The Poetry Society and Rich Mix and a series of brand new books, Poem Brut has offered an alternative understanding of 21st century literature since 2017. Poem Brut roots it’s activities in a mindful thinking through of the potentials and possibilities of neurological and physiological diversity for a literature that expands our understanding of what the medium can do. Rooted in an exploration of cognitive difference, of everything from autism, dyslexia, aphasia and dyspraxia to mental health conditions, Poem Brut seeks to ask whether it is in service to original and powerful writing for writers and poets with these experiences to try and ‘escape’ them into sense and order, rather than embracing how their brains understand language. Poem Brut has generated over a dozen events since 2017, alongside multiple exhibitions, workshops, conferences and publications.

More information, exhibitions, performances and Poem Brut in the links below. (text taken from www.poembrut.com)

︎︎︎ www.poembrut.com
︎︎︎ Poem Brut in Bristol
︎︎︎ SJ Fowler
︎︎︎ 3am magazine