editor: Paul Hawkins
editor: Sarer Scotthorne
art & design: Bob Modem


Poem Brut & other projects
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est. circa 2012
an unfunded small press
based in Bristol
Prote(s)xt imprint
Cat. No. 023

Paul Robinson

ISBN: 979-8462811067
127 x 203 mm
278 page paperback
£5.85 buy

Paul Robinson is an experimental poet from Liverpool, England. His work has appeared online, in print and performed at The University of Leeds & Leeds Art Gallery. He graduated from Edge Hill University with an MA in Creative Writing.
Website: www.paragenerate.net
Twitter: @poeticfields

Sept 2021

The Wild Pansy Press held a live reading of Paul Robinson's poetry called Genesis/Terminus as the last event from the Portable Reading room at Leeds Art Gallery.

The Wild Pansy Press: Genesis / Terminus from Jon Foxley - Evans on Vimeo

Genesis|Terminus pursues the deconstruction of a poetry by appropriation, intervention & modification of another text; in this instance, the King James Bible (Oxford Standard Text), imbued with passional emotion, is pared down to the first and last word (Genesis|Terminus) of every verse of every chapter of every book.