editor: Paul Hawkins
editor: Sarer Scotthorne
art & design: Bob Modem


Poem Brut & other projects

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est. circa 2012
an unfunded small press
based in Bristol

Andrew Wells

cover artwork: James Knight

ISBN: 978-1916159471
130 mm x 200 mm
34 pages
paperback £7.50 buy

"Wells chews over language in a satisfyingly meticulous way, combing through assonance and etymologies until you are delivered of each poem feeling thoroughly worked out. I'm in love with the saltiness of this verse, the crunchy shingle-under-foot-ness of it all."
Anna Cathenka

"Take a deep breath before you enter this world of heather and surf – a world that is real and strange, rendered in "blue's bestest grammar". Here is poetry that is striking and thrillingly refreshing. Complete immersion is recommended."
Emily Hasler

"Intelligent, sharp, innovative and playful, Wells creates a looking-glass world and invites the reader to (re)examine the constructions of both language and self. Alive to the possibilities and falsities enacted through poetic language and form, these adept and aware poems move like water."
- Petra Kamula

Andrew Wells has work in Amberflora, 3:AM Magazine, Minor Literature(s), Poetry Wales, Fanzine, and The Scores, among others. He is also the author of J/W/U (Pyramid, 2016). He is co-editor of HVTN Press.