editor: Paul Hawkins
editor: Sarer Scotthorne
art & design: Bob Modem


Poem Brut & other projects

︎   ︎   X

est. circa 2012
an unfunded small press
based in Bristol
50 // fifty
Paul Hawkins & Michael Harford

130mm x 200 mm colour paperback 2018
ISBN: 9781999915377
56 pages

paperback £6 buy
PDF £3 buy

This book was ︎︎︎reviewed by Sally-Shakti Willow for The Contemporary Small Press

#18 was published in Issue 4 of Fractured Nuance with thanks to editor Kate Tattersfield.

Some of these texts have appeared in different form(s) and published in the following books; Claremont Road (Erbacce Press 2013), Contumacy (Erbacce Press 2014) and Place Waste Dissent (Influx Press 2015) by Paul Hawkins, with thanks to the editors. 

50 // fifty is a collaboration between Paul Hawkins & Michael Harford
Paul wrote 50 words a day for 50 weeks between April 2013 & April 2014
every week he sent Michael one of the texts

Michael responded with a collage